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Francis St Pierre, Casselman, ON

Hey! My name is Francis St-Pierre! I’m 20 years old and I live in a little Francophone village, called Casselman. I come from a family of 3 children, in which I am the youngest one. I’ve always been a Catholic, and that since I was born. But I have not always been the practicing one, or as we could say, the one who was living from his faith. But just recently, during the pandemic, I had a really big conversion that completely changed my way of living my faith! Follow me to know the whole story!

Here are some fun things about me! I love eating bread, maybe a little too much! I’m a hockey player! And I love music, to the point of doing everything with music!
The reason why I decided to join NET, is because of all the confirmations that I have received from God! During the last year, I’ve been feeling as if God was preparing me for it. With all of the lessons I’ve learned, the people I’ve met and seeing and living God in every possible way. And I listened to him. And now here I am!

This year, I have been blessed to have been chosen to be on the discipleship team in Lethbridge team. As a team, we will be visiting schools (from grade 6 to 12) and churches, with the goal of forming a new and strong community by bringing together youth from every corner of the city, to meet each other and talk about faith together. This is being done through Junior groups and Senior groups where we are able to help them grow in their faith by sharing knowledge and wisdom with them, but most importantly, by listening to them. I am really excited for this year to meet all the wonderful people that God is going to put on our paths and to see them grow in faith, by encountering Christ personally. I’m also very excited to grow in relationship with my team, and to see myself grow in faith too! I can’t wait to see, what God is going to do through each one of us, during this whole year. God is good!

It is the time now more than ever, to help our young children understand the true meaning of this life. For the reason, that they are our next generation. And it is they who will lead the way after us! As Christians, we have to help them to know God. Like it is said in the Bible: But Jesus called them to him, saying, “Let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God” (Luke 18:16).

I would really appreciate it if you could help me financially and/or in prayer, in making this year possible. We are all working for the kingdom of God, in the best way we can. Fun fact!: if you donate $50 or more, or if you donate monthly. You will receive a NET newsletter and personal updates from the road throughout the year! It would be, as if you were here with us, in the NET van, travelling with us through the whole journey!

Welcome aboard!