Nathaniel Shaw, Launching, PEI

Hey there!

My name is Nathaniel Shaw, but I usually go by Nate, unless somebody’s in a serious mood. I hail from the tiny community of Launching, Prince Edward Island; a place even people from this Island struggle to locate, let alone the people who struggle to locate PEI on a good day (if I’m talking to you, you know I’m talking to you.) However, I’m a firm believer that it’s the best place on Earth, although I guess I could extend that to the rest of Eastern PEI as well. I play possibly the weirdest mix of sports imaginable: soccer and curling – and no, don’t even try and tell me that curling isn’t a sport. Other interesting things about me: I have a Hundred Acre Wood in my backyard (but I’ve never found a jagular), I have an undying hatred towards the song “That’s All” by Genesis, and I discovered that Zeno’s Paradox has been misportrayed for thousands of years – it was actually based off the illogical yet undeniable fact that cheese goes with everything. (If you don’t believe me, I dare you to try and prove me wrong.)

If you’ve gotten to this page, you may be asking yourself: Why did this Nate guy decide to do NET? Well, great question! My first encounter with NET was a retreat they held in Charlottetown, in November of 2020. It was my first introduction to other Catholic youth my age, and it opened a whole world to me that I didn’t even know existed. Without NET, I don’t know where I would be today. I started thinking about doing NET after attending a Steubenville conference last summer, and I took an application from a booth run by NET staff and put it on my dresser at home. I prayed and discerned it extensively, and the Lord said, “Yeah, this is where I want you to go!” So I filled out the application, sent it in, and here I am now!

I cannot express how excited I am to start my journey as a NET missionary (usually I express it by jumping up and down with a big goofy grin on my face.) However, in order for that to happen, I need your help. If you are able, I humbly ask you to prayerfully consider becoming a co-missionary with me by making a donation to NET Canada. My goal is to raise $8,500 dollars, and no donation is too small – every little bit helps! However, if you make a donation of $50 or more, or sign up to be a monthly donor, you can receive a newsletter from NET and personal updates from me throughout the year! Whether you decide to donate or not, the fact that you have visited this page (and read all that!) means a lot to me. Thank you, and I’ll be praying for each and every one of you!

God bless,
