Diving into Joy! 

Hey there!!

We’re back in Alberta; heading into the winter months and the second half of our ministry! We’ve been cheering on the youth hockey teams, sitting in on confirmation classes, gathering over ice cream, laughing through board game evenings, singing praises at young adult adoration nights and even going curling with some young people. We’ve been recently marvelling at just how much joy there is in the Lord and what a privilege it is to watch that light up a youth’s eyes.

We found a special joy in a school program we were running just this week in a religion class. One day, in particular, we were talking about our relationship with God. For visual representation, the program used a picture of a swimming pool to represent a relationship with God, which allowed the youth to point to an image they felt they most related to; whether they were dipping their toes in the water, diving right in or not in the pool at all. 

One of the 8th graders pointed to the person sitting in the pool and he said “I think I’m that person because I just really trust God, Like I trust Him SO much with everything.” 

Another girl started to talk about how she had never known God to be Someone close to us – it was the first time she had heard how God wanted to have a relationship with her and that He was not distant from her. She pointed to the image of a person swimming in the pool saying that she would want to talk to God and learn more about Him.

Outside of schools and youth events, one of our team members was playing a game with a youth in the host home she was staying with. They were building a block tower and having a blast trying to keep it standing. At one point, the youth looked up at her and smiled and said “I think I just made a memory. Now whenever I think of the NET team, I’m going to remember us doing this!”

We are overjoyed to be back in Lethbridge and can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for the next few months! We keep you in our prayers, please keep us in yours. 

“May the God of hope fill you with all JOY and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” -Romans 15:13 

God bless!

The Lethbridge Team

Elly, Anna, Bernadette, Carson, Francis and Maya

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