Bernadette van den Bosch


My name is Bernadette, I’m from Spruce Grove Alberta and am the youngest of 7 kids! I love hiking, playing music, swimming and sharing the faith through deep conversations! I just finished my year on the road with the discipleship Team in Lethbridge, Alberta

Throughout this year I’ve grown to never underestimate God’s goodness and generosity. He’s done such incredible things through our mission work this past year!

Through a lot of prayer, I’m happy to say that I’ll be volunteering for NET Staff as a recruiting assistant! I’ll be continuing to do the Lord’s work through recruiting outreach at events, and schools, and helping people learn more about NET! I’ll also be helping missionaries through the application process to help them prepare for the year. I’m excited to be working in this role for the success of the ministry and I can’t wait to see what God has in store!

I would love to invite you to be a co-missionary and join me in this adventure by supporting me in prayers and financially! For NET to keep up our work, I need to fundraise $8,500. If you’re willing and able to help me by giving $50 or more, or by donating monthly, you will receive letters from me and NET’s newsletters keeping you updated on the mission!

I’ll keep you in my prayers!

God Bless,

