Grace Foy


My name is Grace! I am 19 years old from Donegal, Ireland I come from a family of nine and am the fifth of seven kids!

I just finished doing a year on the road with NET in Lethbridge, Alberta, and that year changed my life! I have had the opportunity to see God change the lives of so many people through this mission and it has truly been amazing!

I am so excited to come back as a staff member with NET and to bring youth to Christ in a whole new way through my position as Media Assistant! Evangelizing through media is a whole new experience and a place of important evangelization as much of the world is on social media! I am so thrilled that God has called me here to NET again and am so excited to see the ways He will use me through this new position!

I would love for you to be a part of this ministry by being a co-missionary in supporting the mission financially! For this year to be fully possible, I need to raise $9,000! As a little treat for your generosity, if you donate $50 or more, or support me monthly, you will receive letters from me throughout the year as well as NET’s quarterly newsletter! I ask you to keep myself as well as all of NET in your prayers as we all embark on this incredible journey with Christ!

God Bless,
