Jacob Douglas


Thank you for reading my bio. My name is Jacob. I Hail from Langley, BC, just outside Vancouver. I have been with NET Canada since 2014 after graduating from St. John Brebeuf Secondary school in Abbotsford. During these past five years with NET I have served in Weyburn, Saskatchewan, from best coast to East coast doing retreats, and served as a youth minister for Divine Infant parish in Ottawa.

I grew up with my parents and seven siblings. I am a proud uncle of ten nieces and nephews. I love the outdoors, am an adventure junky, and will talk politics anytime and anyplace. As I grew, like most Catholics I wanted what God offered and everything the world had to give me as well. I knew my faith tradition very well but had not made the journey from my head to my heart, letting it actually change the way I lived and who I lived for.

God moved in my life over time, ever patient with me. I remember being in Adoration with my mom after a morning mass when I was around ten years old. I remember looking at Jesus in the Eucharist and thinking to myself so clearly, “wow, that actually is Jesus…” My brain couldn’t really keep up with all the implications that truth would mean for my life. From retreats to religion classes,  Theology of the Body books, personal conversion stories, youth group, serving the poor, street ministry, visiting my elderly relatives, reading the lives of the saints, connecting with inspiring fictional stories, Catholic friends, pro-life and faith conferences God asked me to enter into more of a personal relationship with him.

During a retreat in gr. 11 God asked me to share this growing relationship with him and the healing it was bringing in my life with others. Through an evening of desperation and conflict about what I would do with my life in November of my gr. 12 year I google-searched NET Canada. Through much indecision, fear, and avoidance of God’s obvious invitation towards NET I found myself on a plane heading to Ottawa.

NET was transformational. It changed me. It wasn’t easy. But what in life that is worth doing is easy? Here God invited me to give constantly more to Him. He didn’t have to use NET to do this in my life but He chose to. And I’m so glad he did. Because of this my life and the lives of youth nationwide have been given purpose and ultimate hope.

Why do I do this? Because someone did it for me. Many people did it for me. God did it for me.

As the Ottawa Ministry Administrator I will be overseeing four intern staff missionaries at Annunciation of the Lord and Divine Infant parish here in Ottawa. I will also be outreaching to the greater Ottawa community. To succeed we need all your prayers so that young people in Canada can have the opportunity to hear about, respond to, and live for Christ. If you can financially support us to spread our impact here is how:

  • Donate online on this page
  • Call the NET Canada office T-Free: 1.877.521.4426
  • Contact me directly at 613.600.2838
  • If you can support me, monthly donations are greatly preferred to one-time donations. *For a non-profit that’s mere existence depends on donations, having an expected monthly donation – regardless of the amount – provides invaluable security when it comes to budgeting and planning.*

Feel free to give me a call as I would love to talk in person and share about how you and I together can lead youth into a relationship of meaning and fulfillment with Christ.

God bless,

Jacob Douglas

“It is not enough for young people to be loved – they must know that they are loved.” St. John Bosco